OWASP Dependency-check
Yet another OWASP tool to do dependency checking. This one also requires access to several externally hosted resources.
In order to analyze some technology stacks dependency-check may require other development tools to be installed. For this purpose we have only installed a few (yarn, pnpm, go, etc).
The documentation suggests you obtain an National Vulnerability API Key from NIST in order to download the database faster. It really takes only just a minute. Even with the API key the database takes a while.
wanderer@trg ~ $ dependency-check --scan NodeGoat --out . --nvdApiKey 4fde7776-c644-4db0-a135-0b7b2a485317
[INFO] Checking for updates
[INFO] NVD API has 266,355 records in this update
[INFO] Downloaded 10,000/266,355 (4%)
[INFO] Downloaded 20,000/266,355 (8%)
[INFO] Downloaded 30,000/266,355 (11%)
It is mandatory to do it the first time, otherwise you'll get an error saying the database does not exist, since it heavily relies on this.
Afterward, you can run it again
wanderer@trg ~ $ dependency-check --noupdate --scan NodeGoat --out .
# or
dependency-check -n -s NodeGoat --out .
If you were to open the output from a browser, you'll see among the parameters of execution, the following summary.
And for each vulnerable dependency, an excerpt like this one:
You can even expand some of the information like Evidence, and Related dependencies:
It includes recommendation and sources of information from where it grabbed them in the first place to conduct the analysis.