OWASP's dep-scan

So, about this first one, it is actually an official project from OWASP. It focused on known vulnerabilities, advisories, and license restrictions in project dependencies. It can process both local repositories and container images as input, making it perfect for integration.

We are going to show you many tools who have features, based on other projects like cdxgen, to generate Software Bill-of-Materials (BOM). This is like basically creating a list of all the libraries, dependencies, configurations, workflows, your project has in order to get them analyzed.

This is a table showing that it currently supports at the time of writing this document:

node.jspackage-lock.json, pnpm-lock.yaml, yarn.lock, rush.js, bower.json, .min.js
javamaven (pom.xml [1]), gradle (build.gradle, .kts), scala (sbt), bazel
pythonsetup.py, requirements.txt [2], Pipfile.lock, poetry.lock, bdist_wheel, .whl, .egg-info
gobinary, go.mod, go.sum, Gopkg.lock
rubyGemfile.lock, gemspec
rustbinary, Cargo.toml, Cargo.lock
.Net.csproj, packages.config, project.assets.json [3], packages.lock.json, .nupkg
dartpubspec.lock, pubspec.yaml
c/c++conan.lock, conanfile.txt
clojureClojure CLI (deps.edn), Leiningen (project.clj)
docker / oci imageAll supported languages and Linux OS packages
GitHub Actions Workflows.github/workflows/*.yml
Jenkins Plugins.hpi files
YAML manifestsdocker-compose, kubernetes, kustomization, skaffold, tekton etc

Performing a simple scan

I added the explain argument to be able to have a beautiful output and paste it here.

wanderer@trg NodeGoat $ depscan --src $PWD --explain -o reports/nodegoat.json

██████╗ ███████╗██████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗ █████╗ ███╗   ██╗
██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗████╗  ██║
██║  ██║█████╗  ██████╔╝███████╗██║     ███████║██╔██╗ ██║
██║  ██║██╔══╝  ██╔═══╝ ╚════██║██║     ██╔══██║██║╚██╗██║
██████╔╝███████╗██║     ███████║╚██████╗██║  ██║██║ ╚████║
╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝     ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝

INFO [2024-10-21 15:33:07,496] To improve performance, cache the bom file and invoke depscan with --bom reports/nodegoat-universal.json instead of -i
INFO [2024-10-21 15:33:13,484] Performing regular scan for /home/wanderer/NodeGoat using plugin universal

                                                       Dependency Scan Results (UNIVERSAL)
║ CVE                                                            │ Insights                         │ Fix Version      │ Severity     │   Score ║
║ [email protected]                                                  │ 📓 Indirect dependency         │ 1.2.6            │ CRITICAL    │     9.0 ║
║ └── [email protected] ⬅ CVE-2021-44906                               │                                │                  │             │         ║
║ [email protected]                                                     │ 📓 Indirect dependency         │ 4.17.12          │ CRITICAL    │     9.0 ║
║ └── [email protected] ⬅ CVE-2019-10744                                 │                                │                  │             │         ║
║ [email protected] ⬅ NPM-1088208                                    │ 📓 Indirect dependency           │ 0.8.5            │ MEDIUM       │     5.0 ║
║ [email protected] ⬅ CVE-2017-16042                                   │ 📓 Indirect dependency           │ 1.10.0           │ CRITICAL     │     9.0 ║
║ [email protected] ⬅ NPM-1091853                                   │ 📓 Indirect dependency           │ 1.2.11           │ CRITICAL     │     9.0 ║
║ [email protected] ⬅ CVE-2019-2391                                     │ 📓 Indirect dependency           │ 1.1.4            │ MEDIUM       │     5.0 ║
║ [email protected] ⬅ CVE-2020-7788                                      │ 📓 Indirect dependency           │ 1.3.6            │ HIGH         │     7.5 ║
║ [email protected] ⬅ CVE-2020-28282                               │ 📓 Indirect dependency           │ 1.0.0            │ CRITICAL     │     9.0 ║
║ node@12-alpine ⬅ CVE-2022-0155                                 │ 📔 Has PoC                       │                  │ MEDIUM       │     6.5 ║
║                                                                │ 🎯 Distro specific               │                  │              │         ║
╭──────────────────────────────────── Recommendation ────────────────────────────────────╮
│ 👉 6 out of 206 vulnerabilities requires your attention.                               │
│ You can remediate 70 vulnerabilities by updating the packages using the fix version 👍 │

Risk audit and dependency confusion

There's a --risk-audit argument that enables package risk audit, currenlty working for npm and pypi packages. It weights several risk factors to compute a final score and shows it only if that score surpasses a certain configurable threshold. You can check out how to configure the weights on their docs.

There is also the possibility to use --private-ns to specify the private package namespace that should be checked for dependency confusion type issues where a private package is available on public npm/pypi registry. This is a very common attack vector.

If we were to run a risk audit, with a dependency confusion check, and change a few weights:

wanderer@trg NodeGoat $ PKG_INSTALL_SCRIPTS=4 DEPRECATED=0 depscan --src . --risk-audit --private-ns theredguild

If you pay attention, you can see how risk scores have changed thanks to our tweaks.

Live Operating System Scan

One of the interesting features it has, is the Live OS scan.

By passing -t os, depscan can generate an SBoM for a live operating system or a VM with OS packages and kernel information. Optionally, pass the argument --deep to generate an SBoM with both OS and application packages and to check for application vulnerabilities.

We're going to show you an excerpt of a live os scan from the container you're currently working on.

wanderer@trg ~ $ depscan -t os --deep -i . -o reports/fullos.json --explain

    ██████╗ ███████╗██████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗ █████╗ ███╗   ██╗
    ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗████╗  ██║
    ██║  ██║█████╗  ██████╔╝███████╗██║     ███████║██╔██╗ ██║
    ██║  ██║██╔══╝  ██╔═══╝ ╚════██║██║     ██╔══██║██║╚██╗██║
    ██████╔╝███████╗██║     ███████║╚██████╗██║  ██║██║ ╚████║
    ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝     ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝

INFO [2024-10-21 15:10:27,649] About to perform deep scan. This could take a while ...
INFO [2024-10-21 15:11:06,152] To improve performance, cache the bom file and invoke depscan with --bom reports/fullos-os.json instead of -i
INFO [2024-10-21 15:11:06,193] About to download the vulnerability database from ghcr.io/appthreat/vdbgz:v5. This might take a while ...
INFO [2024-10-21 15:17:08,655] Performing regular scan for /home/wanderer using plugin os

                                                          Dependency Scan Results (OS)
║ CVE                                                           │ Insights                      │ Fix Version               │ Severity  │ Score ║
║ [email protected]+deb12u7 ⬅ CVE-2024-6197                        │ ✂ Uninstall candidate         │ 8.9.0                     │ HIGH      │   7.5 ║
║                                                               │ 📓 Local install              │                           │           │       ║
║                                                               │ 📔 Has PoC                    │                           │           │       ║
║ [email protected]+deb12u3 ⬅ CVE-2024-6923                │ 📓 Local install              │                           │ MEDIUM    │   6.8 ║
║                                                               │ 🎯 Distro specific            │                           │           │       ║
║ [email protected] ⬅ CVE-2020-1747                                    │ 🧾 Vendor Confirmed           │ 5.4                       │ CRITICAL  │   9.8 ║
║ [email protected]+deb12u7 ⬅ CVE-2023-27538                       │ ✂ Uninstall candidate         │ 8.0.0                     │ MEDIUM    │   5.5 ║
║                                                               │ 📓 Local install              │                           │           │       ║
║                                                               │ 📔 Has PoC                    │                           │           │       ║
║ [email protected] ⬅ CVE-2024-34064                                 │ 🧾 Vendor Confirmed           │ 3.1.4                     │ MEDIUM    │   5.4 ║
║ [email protected] ⬅ CVE-2023-36660                          │ 📓 Local install              │ 3.9.1-2.1                 │ MEDIUM    │   5.0 ║
║ fdupes@1:2.2.1-1 ⬅ CVE-2022-48682                             │ 📓 Local install              │ 2.2.1-1                   │ MEDIUM    │   5.0 ║
║ vim@2:9.0.1378-2 ⬅ CVE-2023-48233                             │ ✂ Uninstall candidate         │ 9.0.2116-1                │ LOW       │   2.0 ║
║                                                               │ 📓 Local install              │                           │           │       ║
║ [email protected]~deb12u2 ⬅ CVE-2023-31437                     │ 🔇 Suppress for containers    │                           │ LOW       │   2.0 ║
║ [email protected] ⬅ CVE-2022-3515                              │ 📓 Local install              │ 2.2.41                    │ CRITICAL  │   9.8 ║
║ vim-common@2:9.0.1378-2 ⬅ CVE-2023-5441                       │                               │ 9.0.2010                  │ LOW       │   2.0 ║

                                                                   Next Steps

Below are the vulnerabilities prioritized by depscan. Follow your team's remediation workflow to mitigate these findings.

                                                                Top Priority (OS)
║ Package                                                               │ CVEs                      │ Fix Version           │ Reachable         ║
║ [email protected] ⬅ CVE-2024-6345                                     │ CVE-2024-6345             │ 70.0.0                │                   ║
║ [email protected]+deb12u7 ⬅ CVE-2024-6197                                │ CVE-2024-6197             │ 8.9.0                 │                   ║

╭──────────────────────────────────── Recommendation ────────────────────────────────────╮
│ 👉 1 out of 468 vulnerabilities requires your attention.                               │
│ You can remediate 67 vulnerabilities by updating the packages using the fix version 👍 │

We've seen enough of this tool! Let's check out the following one.